we all love

public services delivered efficiently

We equip local governments and non-profits to provide effective services to their citizens.

Our Services

Media Relations

Your media relations strategy shapes every dimension of public perception whether in crisis or celebrating an achievement. Are your analytics informing your strategies? Have you fully connected with your audience?

Strategic Planning

Master planning helps cities and counties, especially their public safety agencies and non-profit organizations by creating a comprehensive strategy for future development and growth.

Accreditation Assistance

Accreditation is the gold standard of ensuring government agencies work for their citizens. The process is an ongoing adoption of accepted best practices that strengthens police and assures continual improvement.

Staff Training

Staff training is crucial when implementing policy because it documents that all employees were given the opportunity to understand the policy and how to follow it correctly. Proper training prevents misunderstandings, mistakes, and inefficiencies that could arise from a lack of knowledge about the new policy.

Comprehensive Reports

Comprehensive reports provide decision makers with data-driven insights that enable them to make informed considerations. Shared with the public, they  provide citizens with viewpoints and civic responsibilities that may have been overlooked. These insights inform strategic planning, resource allocation, and performance management, leading to improved outcomes in public safety, victim services and large-scale projects including infrastructure.

Professional Analysis

Without professional analysis, non-profits and government agencies risk making decisions based on assumptions or incomplete information, which leads to costly mistakes and missed opportunities.

Certified crime and intelligence analysts bring their experience refining data, identifying patterns, measuring performance and offer those skills to law enforcement, fire-rescue, animal control, code enforcement, parks and recreation as well as certified crisis centers.

Our network of certified analysts and public safety executives thrive employing their talents on cost-effective services offered to non-profits and local governments.


We exist because doing the right thing and helping people shouldn't take months or years.

Command Staff Consulting has the talent to move the needle today on your passion project. No reason to wait for the next budget year. Leaders will seize the day and get the ball rolling today. 


Do we want the same things, but you would like to see how we assure a successful completion?